Transformer Oil Testing
Windemuller offers transformer oil testing for oil quality and dissolved gas analysis. This process takes an oil sample out of the transformer and tests for potential future problems. By repairing leaking bushings, defective tap changers, and temperature and oil level gauges, Windemuller is able to assure that your oil transformer runs at the highest level of efficiency for the longest range of time.
With over 30 years of experience, a customer-friendly notification system that assures annual testing of each transformer, and in-stock, ready-to-go equipment, Windemuller is ready to perform testing, draining, refilling, and repairing on the spot, whenever your operations necessitate swift action.
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Meet the Team Lead
Curtis joined the Windemuller team right out of high school in 2002 and now leads the Electrical Service department. Curtis enjoys the collaboration with his coworkers and customers, as well as, the culture and variety of work performed on a day-to-day basis.
Curtis Moore Electrical Services Manager